About us & Team
Africa’Share is providing a platform for Africa on which valuable creations, culture, talent, knowledge and crafts will be shared with the rest of the world. In return, Africa is owning its share of credit, visibility and financial growth.
''Share to Own it''
Africa’Share has the ambition to build a healthy black owned business focusing on fair trade of unique creations from the African continent or African creatives. While doing so invest back into the local African communities and eventually provide employment opportunities. The ultimate aim is to support a wide range of diverse creatives and businesses, such that the positive impact is spread.

Meet Sharon the founder of Africa'Share
Sharon is mixed race Nigerian and Dutch, and grew up
in the Netherlands. However, as she grew up the first time her father took her to Nigeria she was 12. She fell in love with her own country and as she grew older, became very keen to know her own roots, country and continent, even
more. Going into this wonderful journey, why not share it with the world and simultaneously hoping it will have a positive impact in people’s live.

I once bought a painting on the street corner near where I was staying in Lagos, Nigeria, from a lovely man and artist who greeted me every day. One day, I saw a painting I really liked, but it was too big to carry back to the Netherlands. The artist mentioned he could make a smaller version of it, and so he did. I proudly carried it with me on the plane as my hand luggage, bringing it back to the Netherlands. I gave it a nice spot in my new apartment. When I invited my friends over, everyone complimented me on the painting. I said thank you, but in the back of my mind, I was thinking, this artist should be able to sell to any of my friends… and so it shall.